2020年3月20日 星期五

煤氣 (0003)宣佈送紅股降至20送1,令筆者非常失望😞




4 則留言:

  1. My little thinkings about issuing bonus shares (,not just 003.HK):~

    Issuing bonus shares dilutes NAV/share immediately and future EPS. It adds no financial value to the enterprise, i.e. listed company can't earn 1 dollar more by issuing bonus shares.

    Also, issuing bonus shares should not be treated as part of dividend yield. They are two things. The fluctuating share prices "may" adjust this.

    In fact, the act of issuing bonus shares only incurs administration costs to the listed company.

    These are just my little thinkings. Please forgive my straight talk.

    Good Bye & Luck!


    1. Oh, please don't mention it, how come you say forgive?More communications and sharing can make us growth and have better decisions.

      I agree with you that issuing bonus is different with dividend yield but I admit that it is a kind of bonus to little shareholders, for example, if you got 10000 shares of 0003, according to the past few years 10送1, you will have 1000 shares more this year, then you can sell it out in the markets, it cost about $12500 now.

      And i think quite a lot of people hold 0003 for this reason.

  2. 貪佢十送一 ^^ yes, same here!

  3. 那麼你有甚麼策略嗎?我會暫緩一下購入3號仔,小朋友戶口也會向其他收息股進發。畢竟這個時勢,達6-7厘的優質收息股有不少。


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